Archive | October, 2011


27 Oct


First of all….Any of the hopefuls are a thousand-fold more qualified to hold the office than is Obama, whom I consider no more than a figurehead for a very sinister cabal.


Romney: He is likeable, intelligent, center-right, composed, honest, record of accomplishment, favorite of the establishment, well financed.  He will be attacked because he is a Mormon and a banker.  He is very acceptable to me if he is nominated, but is not my first choice…and I am a Christian of the Mormon Faith.


Cain:  Ya hafta love that guy.  Well spoken, energetic, great success story, accomplished business-wise, and what a debate it would be between a real black American who speaks like one, and Kenyan American who speaks like an elitist (when he has his teleprompter).  Cain would destroy him.  He looks to be a great conservative, but something in the back of my mind worries me; can’t put my finger on it….probably nothing.  He might be a bit too early for so high a position, but would make a great VP.


Paul:  Full of good ideas, but he is a Libertarian, not a Republican, so what is he doing there?  Even as a Republican, and in spite of an enthusiastic following, the fact the he always looks like he is about to cry works against his image.


Perry:  I can overlook his past Democrat affiliation (after all, Reagan was once a Democrat) and he does talk the conservative line.  There’s something about him that just bothers me.  Perhaps it’s that high starched collar (a button down would work better for him), and he reminds me of a smooth talking used car salesman….not that there is anything wrong with salesmen.


Bachman: Get ready for the gender backlash, but if she were a man I think she’d be pushing the lead.  She is intelligent, attractive, a good conservative, and should be in a cabinet position…but she is no Margaret Thatcher and that is what a woman candidate needs to be….it is going to be a bloody battle in 2012.


Santorum:  So many good things about him, a nice guy and a conservative, but he may lack the metal to fight a tough battle against Obama.  Another good cabinet pick.


Gingrich:  Newt is probably the most qualified to go up against Obama.  He made the debates interesting…witty, pointed, factual comments.  Probably the best one of the bunch regarding foreign policy, and certainly knows his way around Washington.  Yes, he is part of the “Old Guard”, but has great ideas about getting America back on course (read his book “To Save America”).  Biggest disadvantage to his candidacy is he would lose a lot of the women’s vote, and needs to drop about 50 pounds.


Stan S. McWhinnie   October 25, 2011


25 Oct

Came the revolution in Russia….and creation of the Communist State, there were many privately owned residences, business, and enterprises with signs on their front doors: “Appropriated IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE”. The properties now belonged to the state, and a DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT was established. Get out your history books, folks, and ask yourself if history is not repeating itself. The government now owns over 90% of the U.S. housing mortgages, will soon control health care, tells the financial and business sector what it can and cannot do, regulates our lives in numerous ways, is seeking to remove voices of opposition (note the attack on FOX News and the establishment of a network of informers), and even seeks to control the way we think and express ourselves with an agenda of “political correctness” (control the mind and you control the body).

This commentary has come to mind because of President Obama’s apparent attempt to rule by Executive Order. Congress and the Republican form of government be damned. His excuse is that he is doing it for the benefit of (i.e. In The Name of) the people. That folks, is DICTATORSHIP. I wrote something a number of months ago, that this man, inept as he is, looks forward to being a “president for life”…. can you say Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez? Further, there are those who look forward to such, otherwise why would grade school students be taught to sing praises to Obama when they won’t be old enough to vote for a dozen years or so. (Did you miss the YouTube video of the school in New Jersey last year…since removed, but can currently still be found on the internet).

Looking forward to the presidential election in 2012? It may not even occur. I pray that I am wrong, but 60 years of political study and involvement gives me great cause for concern. More on this in another commentary.

Stan S. McWhinnie October 24, 2011


17 Oct



Hispanics are a valued and integral part of the American makeup.  Soon a majority of our fire fighters, police, armed forces, medical personnel, professionals, etc. may well carry Latin surnames, and we look forward to sharing with them what we refer to as the “American Dream”, and anticipate their contributions to this great Republic. As an important voting block, you may also steer the political direction of this nation:  maintaining it as a free enterprise system, or one with a Socialist agenda as is in Venezuela and Cuba.  As a religious and industrious people, with a history of opposing dictatorial rule, the natural “home” for the Hispanic is within the Republican Party.  To be elsewhere politically is  to merely meld with too many others who have accepted the plantation master’s allotment, to the detriment of themselves and their children.  If the Hispanic is to prosper in a land of opportunity, that land must be one that rewards endeavor  rather than punish accomplishment with onerous regulation and taxation.  The Democrats will try to convince you that Republicans are uncaring  and want you only as a cheap source of labor, but that is an outrageous deception.  Theirs is an agenda which will limit your growth, because it seeks to keep all people at the same level…one that is low, but “equal”.  The Free Enterprise, small government, low taxation agenda of the Republican Party makes it possible for all citizens to rise to the highest level of their abilities and we have no envy of such growth.  Further, we Republicans do welcome legal immigration from Latin and South America, but for the security of all our citizens, we oppose the illegal immigration which has flooded our borders, and that illegal mass entry into this country should be of special concern to  the Hispanic community, for amongst those seeking only to provide for themselves and their families, are others of a more criminal nature.  That criminal element will most likely move into the Hispanic community, threatening its social order and influencing its youth.    Further, even the good intentioned illegal immigrant will dilute the labor pool at a time when jobs, especially for the unskilled, are scarce.  These are truths which you must consider.  As a Republican and a Conservative I urge you, the Latin-American voter, to reject the false promises and untruths of the Democrat Party.  Do not subject yourselves and your future generations to a state of mediocrity, which that party’s socialist program will surely bring.

Stan S. McWhinnie,  October 2, 2010